by News Release | June 27, 2018


Statement on Janus v. AFSCME

Harrisburg, PA– (June 27, 2018) – Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of Illinois public employee Mark Janus in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees (AFSCME), a monumental case for freedom of association and freedom of conscience. This decision overturned Abood v. Detroit Board of Education (1977) in which the Court had ruled that unions can require nonunion employees in the public sector to fund union activities related to “collective bargaining”.

As a result, freedom for government workers now extends across America, including Pennsylvania and the other 21 states without Right to Work protections. This decision liberates nonunion members as they may no longer be compelled to fund political advocacy without their consent. The 5-4 decision holds union leadership accountable, as nonunion employees will be able to say NO when union bosses try to make them pay for a political agenda they do not support.

PMA President and CEO David N. Taylor issued the following statement:

“Compulsory unionism violates the constitutionally-protected liberties of public employees. The high court’s landmark ruling in favor of Mark Janus is a turning point for Pennsylvania and the nation. The Janus decision establishes a defensible right to freedom of conscience and freedom of association for all government employees. For too long, Pennsylvania’s government union leaders have coerced public employees into paying for political advocacy that violates their beliefs. Starting today, Pennsylvania’s public employees who decline union membership will be able to claim their right to not fund partisan advocacy. We at PMA applaud the Supreme Court of the United States for this ruling and we are especially grateful that Justice Gorsuch could complete the work Justice Scalia left unfinished.”

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About the PMA

Founded in 1909 by Bucks County industrialist Joseph Grundy, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association is the nonprofit, statewide trade organization representing the manufacturing sector in Pennsylvania’s public policy process. PMA’s mission is to improve Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness by advancing pro-growth public policies that reduce the baseline costs of creating and keeping jobs in the commonwealth, including spending restraint, tax relief, limits on lawsuit abuse, regulatory reform, and a prepared workforce. Learn more at